Töchter und Söhne Satans - Every little prayer goes to the devil

PONKOFF CD 012 (2000) – Jux und Jazzerei. Sessionmitschnitt von 2000.


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Liner notes

Only a short series of sessions brought together this group of artists, the output is respectable though. parts of the first session with kati blach on vocals are featured on this release. More of this session on CD „Breathe“(PONKOFF CD015)

Töchter und Söhne Satans:
Kati: vocals
Hanni: keyboard, percussion, vocals
Jonas: keyboard
23rd Peter: synthesizer, vocals

All music by Töchter und Söhne Satans 2000.
Recorded 3.9.2000 at Schwarzerde-Studio, Jugendhaus Bad Rappenau.
Edited and mixed 4.-8.9.2000 by 23rd Peter on 23rd floor, Bad Wimpfen.

Cover file



Cover PDF

Ponkoff Cd 012 Cover

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